The Southern African Parliamentary Support Trust (SAPST) was established in 2007 with the aim of strengthening Parliaments locally and regionally. SAPST’s work involves training of Committees and the Secretariat of Parliament in legislative, policy and budget analysis and reporting.

Israel Chilimanzi

Executive Director

Excellence in Parliamentary Strengthening for Good Governance and Democracy

Enhancing Constructive Citizen Engagement of the State

While acknowledging the efforts by CSOs in Zimbabwe to influence the full implementation of the Constitution and influence the law reform agenda,

National Indicative Programme

SAPST is part of a consortium of civil society organisations (CSOs) implementing a programme funded by the European Union Delegation to Zimbabwe (the EU) under the National Indicative Programme (NIP)

Making Impact in the Region

Through our regional programming initiatives, we strive to enhance democratic processes,

strengthen institutional capacity, and empower citizens to actively participate in shaping their countries' future.

By leveraging our extensive legal, governance and lobbying expertise , SAPST is committed to advancing transparency,

accountability, and effective governance practices throughout Southern Africa.

Period: 2017-2021

Promoting Public Investment in Children in the East and Southern Africa region

Funder: Save the Children International

Project Description: The Southern African Parliamentary Support Trust (SAPST) has been implementing a project that seeks to advocate for public investment in children in the East and Southern Africa region. The specific focus of SAPST’s intervention during the 2017-2021 period was to increase the allocation and public spending in sectors that promote the survival, learning and development of children through strengthening parliamentary rights-based approaches to budgeting and promoting participatory budgeting in East and Southern Africa.

Countries reached: Botswana, Eswatini, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, South Sudan, Uganda

Period: August 2016 – January 2019

Facilitating Civil Society Organizations to Engage Parliaments on the Promotion and Protection of Economic Social and Cultural Rights

Funder: United States Department for Labour and Human Rights

Project Description: The Southern African Parliamentary Support Trust and its partners – Amnesty International Southern Africa and the International Commission of Jurists, Malawi Economic Justice Network and Women and Law in Southern Africa country chapters in Botswana, Malawi and Lesotho -  implemented a support programme in Botswana, Lesotho and Malawi. The United States Department for Labour and Human Rights (DRL) funded the programme. The programme was titled Facilitating Civil Society Organizations to Engage Parliaments on the Promotion and Protection of Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ESCRs).  

The project's main goal was strengthening parliamentary committees and promoting parliament-CSO engagement to improve government accountability. Promoting increased citizen participation in political and economic decision-making was seen as important for fulfilling fundamental human rights and freedoms.

Countries reached: Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi

SAPST Insights

2024 Mid-Term Budget Review: Stability and Growth through Zimbabwe Gold Currency
Statement on African Anti-Corruption Day
Advocating for Climate Resilience: A High-Level Workshop in Windhoek

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